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Acupuncture is an ancient practice that evokes fear for some and awe for others. How can sticking a needle in one part of the body affect another?
Acupuncture is one of the oldest types of medical treatment known to mankind. The Chinese began using acupuncture over 2,000 years ago and it has been the subject of continuous study and clinical experinence since that time. It’s finally gaining widespread acceptance in the U.S. as a method and system of healthcare. Each year new scientific studies are published validating the effectiveness of acupuncture.
Informed by modern research but also grounded in the wisdom of traditional Oriental medicine, acupuncture provides a safe, effective, comprehensive and personalized treatment for many common ailments. Chinese Medicine is holistic. It treats the whole person rather than than symptoms. Acupuncture seeks to alleviate symptoms and pain by assisting individuals in their lives.
What does Acupuncture feel like?
The needles are sterilized, disposable, stainless steel and thinner than a shaft of hair. Often there is a “pinching” feeling as the needle is inserted, which fades quickly and may be replaced by various sensations around the needle including pressure, lightness, warmth or coolness. While the needles are left in the body (usually about 20 minutes) one may experience a state of general relaxation or a heightened awareness of connections within one’s body.

How can inserting needles into someone relieve pain?
You must leave behind traditional ideas about medicine and be willing to accept or at least recognize that acupuncture effectiveness has survived the test of time. Ancient Chinese philosophers developed a philosophy in which the body was a harmonious balance of two opposing forces, yin or the negative force and yang, the positive force. When yin and yang are well balanced, a vital energy flows through the body along a certain track. The track is called a meridian. On the meridian there are many points called acupuncture points. When the yin-yang balance is broken the vital energy is blocked and a disease or pain develops. Applying the acupuncture needle to the appropriate point balances the ying & yang and energy flow is restored.
What can I expect when visiting a Chiropractic Acupuncturist?
There are many styles of acupuncture. Regardless of the style practiced, the first visit helps Dr. Nesvold understand your reasons for seeking acupuncture treatment and assess the underlying imbalances leading to your symptoms. The session begins with an interview which balances both your medical and personal history and continues with a physical examination and consultation. If acupuncture can help you, a treatment plan and cost will be explained before the first treatment.
The length and frequency of subsequent visits will vary on your response to the treatment. The treatments will generally not involve more than 6 to 12 needles, and may also be reevaluated periodically so that you and the acupuncturist can closely follow your response to treatment.
How is Acupuncture done?
The acupuncture treatment involves the use of very fine needles which are inserted into meridians to open the passages of the energy flow. It is a painless treatment that will relieve your pain, will help you function better, and your body will be able to fight diseases without the use of any pharmaceutical drugs or surgery.
Is the Acupuncturist certified?
A certificate of course completion from an accredited institution should be posted in the practitioner’s office. In addition, in the state of Minnesota, acupuncturists are licensed by the state to practice acupuncture.
How much time is needed for treatment assessment?
There should be extended conversation before the acupuncturist begins treating you. And, you should always feel comfortable asking questions. Your health is too important to rush.
If you have any questions about acupuncture or would like to learn more about acupuncture, schedule a consultation with a qualified doctor at Wellness 1st Chiropractic by calling (507) 437-7781.